Our Commitment to all our customers

Our commitment to you is simple. We know you have questions. We answer your questions with patience and solutions. You make all the decisions. You are probably only going to go solar once, and we know how important it is to get it right. . There’s no hype here. Let us know how you would like this process to work for you. If you would like to meet at your home or online, just please let us know.

We are not Big Solar, and we are never pushy. We love people and we love the work that we do.

We do bring the experience of over 24,000+ installations, and believe in 100% transparency
in everything we do. With a commitment to constantly leveraging the latest
technologies and practices, we keep communication lines wide open.

If you decide to have Good Sun Solar build solar for your home - fantastic.
If not - we remain friends. No Exceptions.